Monday, September 27, 2010

The filling has always been my favorite part

Oh man....has it really been two months since my last post?!? AHHHH!

The last two months have been so crazy! We have been between fairs, pigs, family and life. We recently went to the Nevada County Fair which was so fun, yet a little bitter-sweet. Last year the NCF was Jaxsons first fair!! I guess it's just another reminder that my baby is growing up, which I'm trying to handle like a big girl :(

Jaxson now has ALL of his teeth and has been completely weaned off of the bottle. He has added love you, thank you, corn, and some other fun words to his word bank. He also knows most of his animal noises, and can count to three! Wow. It feels so weird to write down all of these BIG changes. I'm breathing...I'm breathing.

September 1st I announced a photography business that I am super duper excited about. I finally feel like I have found my groove...and it feels sooo good!!

We went to Tahoe for Labor Day with the Tollisons and the Caylors. It was a definite much needed vaca. It was so fun to get to spend a weekend trapped in the same house with our dear friends. With life being so crazy for everyone, we don't see as much of them as we would like to. Andrew, Jaxson and I also got to spend a family day together exploring Lake Tahoe. We have never done anything on our own before so it was very special. We hiked about 2 miles (straight down) down to Emerald Bay, which was gorgeous!! Then 2 miles...straight up! The whole way up we were thinking...probably not the best idea with a squirmy little one...oh well!! We then finished off the day with lunch and ice cream. Oh, did I mention that we saw a bear??

While we were on the beach with the rest of the gang, my little fearless man thought it might be a good idea to dive into the FREEZING cold water and go for a swim. I just about had a heart attack! You would think that the kid would learn his lesson after nearly drowning..BUT..not my son. He kept trying to run into the water every chance he got. Grrrrrr!

Ryane & Garrison came out for a week. It really never is long enough. Sometimes I feel like it's easier when I don't see them because then I don't know what I'm missing...(am I just throwing a fit??). It was so much fun having them here and seeing them interact with Jaxson. We even got to have a sleepover!! We got slurpees, ordered pizza, got a movie and ate popcorn! I'm not sure who had more fun, them or me?!? The jury is still out.

I'm sure I am forgetting a million important memories...I guess that's what I get for waiting two months to update!