Monday, December 6, 2010

Turek TOT to Turek TOT'S'

Oh me, Oh my!!

We are expecting number 2!!!!! I can hardly believe it. Wow, how did we already get to this point in our lives? Well, I do have a little when I found out I was pregnant with Jaxson, my impatient-ness denied me the opportunity of finding out a day sooner than I actually did. See, when I took the pregnancy test, I obviously didn't wait long enough for both of the lines to pop up. Well, after finding a positive pregnancy test in the trash the next day, I vowed I would not make that mistake again. I guess some things never change, because once again I did not wait long enough. I took a pregnancy test, and it came up negative...or so I thought. I just knew I was pregnant. I don't know how I knew...I just did. Well, after breakfast, I decided to go take a shower. Upon remembering my last experience I decided to check the trash, and guess what I found?!?...a POSITIVE PREGNANCY TEST!!!! I could hardly wait to go share my news. After my shower I handed my pregnancy test to Jaxson and he gave it to Andrew. What a day!! We are thrilled!! Boy or Girl??? I'm thinking pink??