Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Air Show

Today we went to the Redding Air Show. I didn't really know what to expect since I had never attended an air show before. All I can say is, wow! We had the best time, ever. Jaxson had a blast!!

Here is a funny story for ya-
So, the Thunderbirds put on a spectacular performance at the end of the show. If you have ever seen them in action, you know that you cannot go without ear plugs, especially for the little ones. So we put some ear plugs in Jaxsons ears so he could thoroughly enjoy the Thunderbirds performance. After they were done, we literally packed up the stroller and ran back to the car, so we could get out of there without having to wait in traffic for two hours. Upon getting back to the car, loading it, and making a mad dash for the road...we hadn't really said anything to eachother. We were in a zone :) After successfully leaving the grounds, we began asking Jaxson what he thought of the airshow. He really didn't have anything to say. I looked back at him to see if he had fallen asleep...much to my surprise, he hadn't. What I did see were two neon orange things glowing from each of his ears!! He still had his ear plugs in!!!! Haha. I immediately reached in the back seat and removed the ear plugs. He looked at me and said, "HI!" Hahahahahahaha! It was like he was re-entering the world of communication. It was hilarious!! He wasn't speaking, because he didn't know anyone was talking to him. Ohhh my!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

It's a GIRL!!!

To see my blog post about having a girl click