Thursday, December 1, 2011

I will play with George Strait someday

This morning Jaxson left with his dad to spend the day with his Nana & Papa. I guess daddy and Jaxson have a routine when getting into the little red truck..?? It's a two seater so Jaxson gets to sit up front like a big boy. Since there is only a tape player, Jaxson can reach the tape with his foot to start up the tunes (we all know how much he LOVES music). While pushing in the tape, Jaxson told his dad that he wanted to listen to George Strait. Andrew of course said, "ok." Jaxson looked over at his dad and said, "maybe I'll play with George Strait one day." Ummmm....what?? This boy absolutely cracks me up!!!! I hope he is right. Haha. Seriously though, what two year old says things like this??