Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My name is George Strait

So last night we had dinner at Round Table Pizza in Willows for The Withrow's Harvest Party. It was very fun. It was great to finally put faces with names. We sat with Jamie and Jake...probably since I am friends with Jamie. Well Jaxson sat in between Jamie and I --I go to Bible Study with Jamie so Jax is very familiar with her-- Just for fun, Jamie asked Jaxson what his name was...this was their conversation...

Jamie- "Jaxson, what is your name?"
Jaxson- "I don't know."
Jamie- "Is your name mommy?"
Jaxson -"no."
Jamie- "Is your name daddy?"
Jaxson- "No."
Jamie- "Is your name Hallie?"
Jaxson- "No."
Jamie- "Well then, what's your name?"
Jaxson- "My name's George Strait!"

Talk about one proud moment for his daddy!

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