Thursday, April 22, 2010

We have a walker!!

Jaxson took his first steps tonight at Bible Study!! 5 steps in all!

Rock-a-bye Baby

Last night was an evening that I've spent 10 months + 8 days of pregnancy + the last 10 months & 13 days dreaming of....Jaxson let me rock him to sleep!!!! Oh that sweet sweet boy. He started off by laying his cheek on my cheek. He then looked at me, smiled and then gave me a kiss (sigh), then he laid his head on my shoulder and fell asleep. Sniff sniff!! What a great way to end the day! Thank you Lord for your little blessings!

Well the sweetness of his sleeping I'm sure was a one time deal because I just put him down for a nap and let me tell you, he is ticked! He is yelling, "Dada, dada, dada, dada!" Is it terrible that I am laughing??

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Yee Haw Cowboy

We had so much fun at Jaxsons 1st of many Rodeos this last week/weekend. I have to admit that I am glad that it's over though. Jaxson had the best time. He is for sure a horseman. He would get so excited everytime he would see a horse. He makes a perfect horse noise....I mean perfect! You would think that maybe the kid was half horse (and if you've seen the way he's been eating the last few days you would be convinced that there must be some relation). This picture is actually very special to us. Jaxsons grandpa Harvey got Jaxson a book for Christmas that Ash "Crash" Cooper wrote (the clown in the picture) and had it autographed with a sweet little note to our boy. Well Crash was the clown at the Rodeo, so Jaxson got to have his picture taken with him. Now the picture is decorating his room, displayed next to his beautiful book "Teddy Bear, The Story of a Bucking Bull."

Sunday, April 11, 2010

I've hopped on the band waggon

Well I've decided to start a blog to document the priceless fleeting moments of our not so exciting lives. I am not much for keeping a journal and I don't want to forget about all of the cute things that Jaxson does everyday SOOOOO I thought I would start a blog. I can't promise to be good about updating this thing...but I will however try to be good about documenting the "J Moments"...they are in fact the inspiration behind the blog. Until next time...

I am aware that the name is Turek Tots
The name is plural---no, no baby on the way....someday yes, but not today
