Thursday, April 22, 2010

Rock-a-bye Baby

Last night was an evening that I've spent 10 months + 8 days of pregnancy + the last 10 months & 13 days dreaming of....Jaxson let me rock him to sleep!!!! Oh that sweet sweet boy. He started off by laying his cheek on my cheek. He then looked at me, smiled and then gave me a kiss (sigh), then he laid his head on my shoulder and fell asleep. Sniff sniff!! What a great way to end the day! Thank you Lord for your little blessings!

Well the sweetness of his sleeping I'm sure was a one time deal because I just put him down for a nap and let me tell you, he is ticked! He is yelling, "Dada, dada, dada, dada!" Is it terrible that I am laughing??

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