Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Silly Circus

Lets just say that the last few days around here have been like a circus. Jaxson is developing such a personality. He thinks he is Mr. Comedian. A lot of times, we find him laughing at nothing....well we think it's nothing, but really he is just laughing at himself. What a comic!! Yesterday when his daddy was changing his diaper, he started this new backwards inchworm ( this is where -while laying on his back- he lifts himself as far as he can off of the ground and scoots backwards across the room. He thinks it's pretty funny...and I have to admit--one can't help but laugh. However, when you are trying to change a poopy diaper- not so funny!

Tonight he also mastered the Jack-in-the-Box! His cousin Garrison got it for him when he was born and he just LOVES it! Every time Jack pops out of the box he screams and laughs like it was the first time he popped out of there! He has been trying to figure out how to get Jack back in the box by himself, and hasn't quite been able to get him to 'stay' in the box. He did get it figured out tonight though, ALL BY HIMSELF. It was amazing! I mean come many 13 month old kids can get the Jack in and out of the box all by themselves?? I think we have a genius on our hands!!

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