Saturday, July 3, 2010


So I knew I was going to be terrible about updating this thing!! Poooooooo! So much has happened over the last 2-1/2 months! Jaxson is running, exploring, leaping off furniture, talking and getting into EVERYTHING!!

Last month my baby boy turned 1 and has seemingly lost his babiness! As sad as I am to say goodbye to his baby stage, I am so excited for the everyday toddler adventures. He is just so much fun. Jaxson has studied the world since he was born, and now that he is completely mobile (and independent I might add) he is really into figuring out how the world around him works.

Summer Memories
We spent Jaxson's 1st Birthday in Iowa and had the time of our lives!! Our Iowa family really spoiled and took care of us. Thank you so much for making Jaxson's Birthday so special!! We all sold 2 boars for a total of $21,000 which wasn't too bad either ;-)

After we got home from Iowa Skip, Erin, Garrison and Ryane came out for Jaxson's birthday party. We don't get to see them NEARLY enough. The kids spent the week playing with Maggie, riding on the Johnny Pop and the Loader (thanks to Charlie--what spoiled kids we have--geez), eating popsicles and swimming (or should I say splashing)! It was a great week!!

Jaxson loves my garden and has decided the best way for him to help mommy is to climb into the box and dig up her plants -Rrrrrrr.

Words Jaxson has mastered
NO!! (his favorite word)
Bye bye

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