Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A 2 year old! How did this happen?

My baby boy has officially turned from baby to toddler. The transformation has been incredible. I can't even believe that he will soon become a BIG brother...which I'm sure will grow him up all the more. 2 has brought about it's definite share of challenges. When they say 'terrible twos' they really do mean it! :) Jaxson pushes every envelope and has become Mr. Independent. He LOVES tractors, "airpanes" and trains...I think mostly because his daddy is always sending him videos throughout the day of the tractors he drives and the crop dusters flying overhead. He most definitely is his daddys boy. There is no denying that Andrew got the boy he always wanted.

Jaxson has learned to ride his tricycle, counts to 13, and sings Jesus Loves Me (which totally warms my heart). His favorite part of the song is "for they are weak and He is STRONG." He flexes his muscles and says strong soooo loudly and with such umf! He definitely gets the point across. :)

We are currently in the process of potty training. The kid has been poop trained since Christmas but we have yet to tackle the "potty" part of it. I have been putting it off and putting it off and now it's time to buckle down and get it done before this new baby arrives. He really is doing great. It's mostly me....9-1/2 months pregnant and NOT wanting to have to get off of my rear ever 20 minutes to take him to the bathroom. I know..pathetic!

Well I guess that's it for today...??

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