Sunday, July 17, 2011

Pucker Up!

My boy has become such a FLIRT...and sooo romantic. Everytime he is around a cute girl, his lips begin to pucker and the kissing starts. He is completely out of control. It doesn't matter if we are at a family gathering or at Church...if the girl is 2 or 22. I really hope this isn't any indication of what the future might hold for us. YIKES!!!!

Not to mention that prayer time is his favorite time to give out kisses. He now insists on holding hands during prayer--which I love of course. From the moment the prayer begins, he starts kissing my sweet is that, right? Ummm yes, it is sweet...but we do want him to actually take prayer time serious so we are attempting to nip that one in the bottom.

Never a dull moment in the Turek household.

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