Monday, July 25, 2011

Chipmunks, deer & bears...oh my!

We just spent the last few days camping at Battle Creek. We really did have the best time. Jaxson absolutely LOVED it..surprise, surprise! I think that boy would live outside if he could. We hauled up his trucks and tractors and he dug in the dirt and 'worked hard' all day long. After he would get done hauling a bucket of gravel he would hold his back and say, "oh, my back" and then wipe his brow and say, "ooooohhhhhhh." Thank you Megan for teaching him that. We got many a laughs out of it. My boy is seriously drama.

He had a blast riding his trike around the campground. He looked so darn cute in his helmet, which he insists on wearing becuase Lachlan always wears a helmet when he rides his bike -I love that he takes in everything--or do I?

The Tollisons came up for the day on Sunday and the boys played in the creek all afternoon. Oh my goodness!! They were hilarious. I know my pictures don't do it justice, but they were dancing around..singing songs and being sooo silly. It's like they know they are funny. I can't wait to see what kind of men they grow up to be because they seriously have quite the personalities.

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