Monday, December 6, 2010

Turek TOT to Turek TOT'S'

Oh me, Oh my!!

We are expecting number 2!!!!! I can hardly believe it. Wow, how did we already get to this point in our lives? Well, I do have a little when I found out I was pregnant with Jaxson, my impatient-ness denied me the opportunity of finding out a day sooner than I actually did. See, when I took the pregnancy test, I obviously didn't wait long enough for both of the lines to pop up. Well, after finding a positive pregnancy test in the trash the next day, I vowed I would not make that mistake again. I guess some things never change, because once again I did not wait long enough. I took a pregnancy test, and it came up negative...or so I thought. I just knew I was pregnant. I don't know how I knew...I just did. Well, after breakfast, I decided to go take a shower. Upon remembering my last experience I decided to check the trash, and guess what I found?!?...a POSITIVE PREGNANCY TEST!!!! I could hardly wait to go share my news. After my shower I handed my pregnancy test to Jaxson and he gave it to Andrew. What a day!! We are thrilled!! Boy or Girl??? I'm thinking pink??

Monday, October 4, 2010

Snuggle Puppy

"Ooooo snuggle puppy of mine, everything about you is especially fine......."
--it's a line from one of Jaxson's favorite books!

The other morning, when I got Jaxson out of bed, we went through our normal routine. I changed his diaper, got him a cup of milk, and we laid down to snuggle. Jaxson was laying down facing me, with his arm up over me, and I was soaking up my favorite time of the day. All of a sudden he got up, climbed behind me, laid back down, threw his arm up over me and made himself comfortable. WOW! Does this little boy take in EVERY little detail or what??

Monday, September 27, 2010

The filling has always been my favorite part

Oh man....has it really been two months since my last post?!? AHHHH!

The last two months have been so crazy! We have been between fairs, pigs, family and life. We recently went to the Nevada County Fair which was so fun, yet a little bitter-sweet. Last year the NCF was Jaxsons first fair!! I guess it's just another reminder that my baby is growing up, which I'm trying to handle like a big girl :(

Jaxson now has ALL of his teeth and has been completely weaned off of the bottle. He has added love you, thank you, corn, and some other fun words to his word bank. He also knows most of his animal noises, and can count to three! Wow. It feels so weird to write down all of these BIG changes. I'm breathing...I'm breathing.

September 1st I announced a photography business that I am super duper excited about. I finally feel like I have found my groove...and it feels sooo good!!

We went to Tahoe for Labor Day with the Tollisons and the Caylors. It was a definite much needed vaca. It was so fun to get to spend a weekend trapped in the same house with our dear friends. With life being so crazy for everyone, we don't see as much of them as we would like to. Andrew, Jaxson and I also got to spend a family day together exploring Lake Tahoe. We have never done anything on our own before so it was very special. We hiked about 2 miles (straight down) down to Emerald Bay, which was gorgeous!! Then 2 miles...straight up! The whole way up we were thinking...probably not the best idea with a squirmy little one...oh well!! We then finished off the day with lunch and ice cream. Oh, did I mention that we saw a bear??

While we were on the beach with the rest of the gang, my little fearless man thought it might be a good idea to dive into the FREEZING cold water and go for a swim. I just about had a heart attack! You would think that the kid would learn his lesson after nearly drowning..BUT..not my son. He kept trying to run into the water every chance he got. Grrrrrr!

Ryane & Garrison came out for a week. It really never is long enough. Sometimes I feel like it's easier when I don't see them because then I don't know what I'm missing...(am I just throwing a fit??). It was so much fun having them here and seeing them interact with Jaxson. We even got to have a sleepover!! We got slurpees, ordered pizza, got a movie and ate popcorn! I'm not sure who had more fun, them or me?!? The jury is still out.

I'm sure I am forgetting a million important memories...I guess that's what I get for waiting two months to update!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Yes I do eat my spinach!


Jaxson LOVES to watch his daddy lift weights. I don't know if it's because he is amazed or because of the amazing noises his daddy makes. After Andrew got done doing power cleans, Jaxson went and got a hanger and started doing his own power cleans--AND GRUNTING! It was soooo awesome! He made his daddy so proud.
*might I add he had perfect form! :-D

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Silly Circus

Lets just say that the last few days around here have been like a circus. Jaxson is developing such a personality. He thinks he is Mr. Comedian. A lot of times, we find him laughing at nothing....well we think it's nothing, but really he is just laughing at himself. What a comic!! Yesterday when his daddy was changing his diaper, he started this new backwards inchworm ( this is where -while laying on his back- he lifts himself as far as he can off of the ground and scoots backwards across the room. He thinks it's pretty funny...and I have to admit--one can't help but laugh. However, when you are trying to change a poopy diaper- not so funny!

Tonight he also mastered the Jack-in-the-Box! His cousin Garrison got it for him when he was born and he just LOVES it! Every time Jack pops out of the box he screams and laughs like it was the first time he popped out of there! He has been trying to figure out how to get Jack back in the box by himself, and hasn't quite been able to get him to 'stay' in the box. He did get it figured out tonight though, ALL BY HIMSELF. It was amazing! I mean come many 13 month old kids can get the Jack in and out of the box all by themselves?? I think we have a genius on our hands!!

Saturday, July 3, 2010


So I knew I was going to be terrible about updating this thing!! Poooooooo! So much has happened over the last 2-1/2 months! Jaxson is running, exploring, leaping off furniture, talking and getting into EVERYTHING!!

Last month my baby boy turned 1 and has seemingly lost his babiness! As sad as I am to say goodbye to his baby stage, I am so excited for the everyday toddler adventures. He is just so much fun. Jaxson has studied the world since he was born, and now that he is completely mobile (and independent I might add) he is really into figuring out how the world around him works.

Summer Memories
We spent Jaxson's 1st Birthday in Iowa and had the time of our lives!! Our Iowa family really spoiled and took care of us. Thank you so much for making Jaxson's Birthday so special!! We all sold 2 boars for a total of $21,000 which wasn't too bad either ;-)

After we got home from Iowa Skip, Erin, Garrison and Ryane came out for Jaxson's birthday party. We don't get to see them NEARLY enough. The kids spent the week playing with Maggie, riding on the Johnny Pop and the Loader (thanks to Charlie--what spoiled kids we have--geez), eating popsicles and swimming (or should I say splashing)! It was a great week!!

Jaxson loves my garden and has decided the best way for him to help mommy is to climb into the box and dig up her plants -Rrrrrrr.

Words Jaxson has mastered
NO!! (his favorite word)
Bye bye

Thursday, April 22, 2010

We have a walker!!

Jaxson took his first steps tonight at Bible Study!! 5 steps in all!

Rock-a-bye Baby

Last night was an evening that I've spent 10 months + 8 days of pregnancy + the last 10 months & 13 days dreaming of....Jaxson let me rock him to sleep!!!! Oh that sweet sweet boy. He started off by laying his cheek on my cheek. He then looked at me, smiled and then gave me a kiss (sigh), then he laid his head on my shoulder and fell asleep. Sniff sniff!! What a great way to end the day! Thank you Lord for your little blessings!

Well the sweetness of his sleeping I'm sure was a one time deal because I just put him down for a nap and let me tell you, he is ticked! He is yelling, "Dada, dada, dada, dada!" Is it terrible that I am laughing??

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Yee Haw Cowboy

We had so much fun at Jaxsons 1st of many Rodeos this last week/weekend. I have to admit that I am glad that it's over though. Jaxson had the best time. He is for sure a horseman. He would get so excited everytime he would see a horse. He makes a perfect horse noise....I mean perfect! You would think that maybe the kid was half horse (and if you've seen the way he's been eating the last few days you would be convinced that there must be some relation). This picture is actually very special to us. Jaxsons grandpa Harvey got Jaxson a book for Christmas that Ash "Crash" Cooper wrote (the clown in the picture) and had it autographed with a sweet little note to our boy. Well Crash was the clown at the Rodeo, so Jaxson got to have his picture taken with him. Now the picture is decorating his room, displayed next to his beautiful book "Teddy Bear, The Story of a Bucking Bull."

Sunday, April 11, 2010

I've hopped on the band waggon

Well I've decided to start a blog to document the priceless fleeting moments of our not so exciting lives. I am not much for keeping a journal and I don't want to forget about all of the cute things that Jaxson does everyday SOOOOO I thought I would start a blog. I can't promise to be good about updating this thing...but I will however try to be good about documenting the "J Moments"...they are in fact the inspiration behind the blog. Until next time...

I am aware that the name is Turek Tots
The name is plural---no, no baby on the way....someday yes, but not today
