Thursday, December 1, 2011

I will play with George Strait someday

This morning Jaxson left with his dad to spend the day with his Nana & Papa. I guess daddy and Jaxson have a routine when getting into the little red truck..?? It's a two seater so Jaxson gets to sit up front like a big boy. Since there is only a tape player, Jaxson can reach the tape with his foot to start up the tunes (we all know how much he LOVES music). While pushing in the tape, Jaxson told his dad that he wanted to listen to George Strait. Andrew of course said, "ok." Jaxson looked over at his dad and said, "maybe I'll play with George Strait one day." Ummmm....what?? This boy absolutely cracks me up!!!! I hope he is right. Haha. Seriously though, what two year old says things like this??

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My name is George Strait

So last night we had dinner at Round Table Pizza in Willows for The Withrow's Harvest Party. It was very fun. It was great to finally put faces with names. We sat with Jamie and Jake...probably since I am friends with Jamie. Well Jaxson sat in between Jamie and I --I go to Bible Study with Jamie so Jax is very familiar with her-- Just for fun, Jamie asked Jaxson what his name was...this was their conversation...

Jamie- "Jaxson, what is your name?"
Jaxson- "I don't know."
Jamie- "Is your name mommy?"
Jaxson -"no."
Jamie- "Is your name daddy?"
Jaxson- "No."
Jamie- "Is your name Hallie?"
Jaxson- "No."
Jamie- "Well then, what's your name?"
Jaxson- "My name's George Strait!"

Talk about one proud moment for his daddy!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Air Show

Today we went to the Redding Air Show. I didn't really know what to expect since I had never attended an air show before. All I can say is, wow! We had the best time, ever. Jaxson had a blast!!

Here is a funny story for ya-
So, the Thunderbirds put on a spectacular performance at the end of the show. If you have ever seen them in action, you know that you cannot go without ear plugs, especially for the little ones. So we put some ear plugs in Jaxsons ears so he could thoroughly enjoy the Thunderbirds performance. After they were done, we literally packed up the stroller and ran back to the car, so we could get out of there without having to wait in traffic for two hours. Upon getting back to the car, loading it, and making a mad dash for the road...we hadn't really said anything to eachother. We were in a zone :) After successfully leaving the grounds, we began asking Jaxson what he thought of the airshow. He really didn't have anything to say. I looked back at him to see if he had fallen asleep...much to my surprise, he hadn't. What I did see were two neon orange things glowing from each of his ears!! He still had his ear plugs in!!!! Haha. I immediately reached in the back seat and removed the ear plugs. He looked at me and said, "HI!" Hahahahahahaha! It was like he was re-entering the world of communication. It was hilarious!! He wasn't speaking, because he didn't know anyone was talking to him. Ohhh my!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

It's a GIRL!!!

To see my blog post about having a girl click

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A few of my favorite things.

Oh Jaxson, if only I could bottle you up and keep you this small forever, I would. I LOVE everything about you!! With summer coming to an end, all of our lives will be changing soon with the addition of a new baby to our family. As much as I look forward to what this new little baby will bring to all of our lives...I can't help but feel a little sad and anxious about the fact that things really won't be the same. I truly cherish the time I get to spend with you each day. I LOVE being your mommy. You are so full of life and adventure. You have such a heart for people. You love everyone..and I so love that about you. I pray that will never change. Thank you for loving me in spite of my imperfections. You are truly a joy to me!! I ADORE YOU!

Here are a few of my favorite things you say..

hold you- translation -hold me
pitar- translation -guitar
pay-toes- translation -tomatoes
weeder weeder- translation -weed eater
pinkles- translation -sprinkles
pup cakes- translation -cupcakes
pep--ees- translation -pepsi
bon bon- translation -bottom
yet me do dis- translation -let me do this
man, it's hot- translation -man, it's hot
boo--ful- translation -beautiful

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A 2 year old! How did this happen?

My baby boy has officially turned from baby to toddler. The transformation has been incredible. I can't even believe that he will soon become a BIG brother...which I'm sure will grow him up all the more. 2 has brought about it's definite share of challenges. When they say 'terrible twos' they really do mean it! :) Jaxson pushes every envelope and has become Mr. Independent. He LOVES tractors, "airpanes" and trains...I think mostly because his daddy is always sending him videos throughout the day of the tractors he drives and the crop dusters flying overhead. He most definitely is his daddys boy. There is no denying that Andrew got the boy he always wanted.

Jaxson has learned to ride his tricycle, counts to 13, and sings Jesus Loves Me (which totally warms my heart). His favorite part of the song is "for they are weak and He is STRONG." He flexes his muscles and says strong soooo loudly and with such umf! He definitely gets the point across. :)

We are currently in the process of potty training. The kid has been poop trained since Christmas but we have yet to tackle the "potty" part of it. I have been putting it off and putting it off and now it's time to buckle down and get it done before this new baby arrives. He really is doing great. It's mostly me....9-1/2 months pregnant and NOT wanting to have to get off of my rear ever 20 minutes to take him to the bathroom. I know..pathetic!

Well I guess that's it for today...??

Monday, July 25, 2011

Chipmunks, deer & bears...oh my!

We just spent the last few days camping at Battle Creek. We really did have the best time. Jaxson absolutely LOVED it..surprise, surprise! I think that boy would live outside if he could. We hauled up his trucks and tractors and he dug in the dirt and 'worked hard' all day long. After he would get done hauling a bucket of gravel he would hold his back and say, "oh, my back" and then wipe his brow and say, "ooooohhhhhhh." Thank you Megan for teaching him that. We got many a laughs out of it. My boy is seriously drama.

He had a blast riding his trike around the campground. He looked so darn cute in his helmet, which he insists on wearing becuase Lachlan always wears a helmet when he rides his bike -I love that he takes in everything--or do I?

The Tollisons came up for the day on Sunday and the boys played in the creek all afternoon. Oh my goodness!! They were hilarious. I know my pictures don't do it justice, but they were dancing around..singing songs and being sooo silly. It's like they know they are funny. I can't wait to see what kind of men they grow up to be because they seriously have quite the personalities.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Pucker Up!

My boy has become such a FLIRT...and sooo romantic. Everytime he is around a cute girl, his lips begin to pucker and the kissing starts. He is completely out of control. It doesn't matter if we are at a family gathering or at Church...if the girl is 2 or 22. I really hope this isn't any indication of what the future might hold for us. YIKES!!!!

Not to mention that prayer time is his favorite time to give out kisses. He now insists on holding hands during prayer--which I love of course. From the moment the prayer begins, he starts kissing my sweet is that, right? Ummm yes, it is sweet...but we do want him to actually take prayer time serious so we are attempting to nip that one in the bottom.

Never a dull moment in the Turek household.